With the whole kerfuffle over on Wordpress.com, I’ve moved to a self-hosted solution that is 1) much cheaper (even after the promotional deal ends), and 2) more flexible (which is kind of a hindrance right now because too many options and ones that require me to actually know something about Wordpress in general). So, I’ve started with this particular theme, which I’m not overly thrilled with, but it works for now. I’ll probably be testing/trying various things over the coming couple days (maybe weeks), so if things radically change, don’t be surprised. If you absolutely hate something, drop it in the comments. But I have a feeling that things will be changing frequently (depending on my busy schedule of napping after surgery, etc.) and maybe radically, so don’t get too attached to anything quite yet. I’m still experimenting.

While I don’t see this particular medium being a replacement for my scintillating twitter posts (I’m not saying that I contributed to the cesspool that is twitter, but I didn’t exactly raise the bar, either), but I hope at least to post here more regularly than once a year. Maybe include some pictures, etc. Kind of treating it like a public facing journal, maybe with some other stuff thrown in. At least for now.